
    A Fiesta of Flavors in Every Bite!

    El Toro Pizza and Restaurant Geelong

    Delivery: 05:00pm - 09:30pm

    Open today: 05:00pm - 09:30pm

    Burger Deal
    Free Drink Deal
    Chicken Deal
    Burger Fries Deal
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    Grab a copy of our menu here.

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    About Us

    El Toro Pizza, nestled in the heart of this vibrant Australian city, is a culinary haven that captivates with its fusion of traditional and modern flavors. Known for its warm ambiance and exceptional service, El Toro offers a diverse menu featuring exquisite dishes inspired by both local and international cuisines. Whether you're a connoisseur of fine dining or seeking a relaxed and inviting atmosphere, El Toro promises a delightful gastronomic experience that reflects the unique charm of the Geelong region.